
18 augustus 2016

Boeken lezen een must

Jim Rohn schreef over het belang van het lezen van boeken voor je ontwikkeling. Hier een aantal citaten uit zijn artikel. Onderaan vind je de link om het hele artikel te lezen.

Jim Rohn: "Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.
We must not permit anything to stand between us and the book that could change our lives.
People from all walks of life, people with some of the most incredible life experiences, people that have gone from pennies to fortune and from failure to success have taken the time to write down their experiences so that we might share in their wealth of knowledge.
They have handed us the gift of their insights so that we can change our plans, if need be, in order to avoid their errors. We can rearrange our lives based on their wise advice.
Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary."

Lees hier het volledige artikel: